Directions to East Hotbank Farm, Haugton Common, Barden Mill, Nr. Hexham
NE47 7AH
East Hotbank Telephone number: 01434-344156
- The post code takes you to near Once Brewed but not near the farm.
- From West M6 to junction 43/From East up A1 and follow signs for A69 Hexham.
- A69 pick up signs at Bardon Mill to B6318 to Once Brewed
- Turn up hill at Once/Twice Brewed to Steel Rigg car park which is on Hadrian's Wall.
- Continue 500 yards along road to on right signed Gibbs Hill.
- Turn in and down single track road. After ¼ mile on second corner turn in over cattle gride signed
Gallowshield Rigg there is no sign to East Hott Bank. Don't continue down hill to bottom.Then its basically straight on.It takes about 15-20 mins from here. Go past GR then
- on past Bonnyrigg on left, then in front of West Hotbank Farm on right
- This is now a single track road for about 2 ½ miles turning down hill at end to East Hotbank
- There are usually 3 gates to open and close.You think you might be in the wrong place but eventually you
come to the end of the track and turn down to the farm house.Keep on track right up to stone column and turn left in front of barns and park there.
- Coming up the M6 you leave at Jct 43 take the A69 and at Bardon Mill turn up towards Once and Twice